I’m not sure Shakespeare would approve of my pirated title…
M.I.L.F. – Acronym for Mom I’d Like to Fuck; a sexually attractive older woman, typically one who has children.
“Dude, your mom is hot! She’s definitely a mom I’d like to fuck.” I overhear my almost-adult sons’ almost adult friend say.
“Man, that’s my mom. Shut the fuck up!” comes my son’s reply. And inside, I’m thinking, yeah man, shut the fuck up. But I also want to strut my stuff, shake my hips and sing hallelujah. I’ve still got it! What IT is, I don’t know, but it sure feels good knowing I have it.
It’s silly that such a statement should receive such a response. That the role of being a mom is so mentally and physically taxing, not to mention underappreciated, that a term announcing your remaining sexual attractiveness should make women almost swoon. Yet, being considered a MILF is something that many moms strive for, and good or bad, until recently I was one of them. Maybe I still am?

The First MILF
I was 17 when the movie American Pie was released, and the term MILF was coin phrased. Stifler’s mom, played by Jennifer Coolidge, was the MILF in question and it wasn’t difficult to discern what all the fuss was about. Anyone with eyes could see that she wasn’t like other, more typical Moms. Most of the moms I knew would have fit in better on the set of an 80’s T.V. sit-com than anywhere close to mine or my male counterparts’ sexual fantasies.
While the mom’s during my high school years all dressed in a similar fashion: unflattering jeans, baggy sweatshirts, and white sneakers; hair cropped short, glasses perched on the tips of their nose, Stifler’s mom was a blonde bombshell and what set her apart from the moms I was used to seeing was the packaging.
It’s what’s on the Outside that Counts
The moms I knew hid their bodies away. And Jeanine Stifler did not. She wore her breasts pushed high, ample cleavage drawing the eye. A short skirt would surround her round hips and thighs, highlighting her assets. Long silky hair flowed down her back and framed her perfectly made face. She oozed confidence and with it, sex appeal. And forget about wanting to fuck her, I wanted to be her.
I think there may have been a good lesson in there somewhere if you omit the envisioning of engaging sexually with a man half my age. The part about taking care of yourself and always looking your best. It’s something that I have worked hard for, even without the hope that it will lead to sex. When I look good, I feel good. But there’s more to it than that. As a parent, it’s important to role model healthy behaviours. Being found sexually desirable is just a nice side effect.
Blessings Disguised?
Until recently, the idea of being coveted by someone who thought of me as a MILF seemed pretty damn sexy. To be desired by a young man in his prime, wanted by someone whose libido is seemingly never-ending, felt like a blessing. But somewhere along the juncture of growing from a young woman to a not so young woman, the desire for a younger partner diminished. And I blame that on being a mom. But not any mom, a mom of teenaged boys.
When my children were young and I had bags under my eyes, spit-up down the front of my shirt, it definitely felt good to get the compliment that the term MILF is aimed to be. It was like a pat on the back (or ass) saying that sure, you’re not as toned as you used to be, and don’t always look as good, but you’re still sexy, desirable, fuckable. It did make me feel good to know I still had IT.
But, now that my boys have become teenagers and one almost an adult, I think of it as more of a curse. Don’t get me wrong, I still want to be thought of as attractive to the young and not so young, but the idea of having a sexual interaction with someone who would consider me a MILF, makes me feel, well…. like a pervert. Odd for someone who writes about some risqué topics, I know.
Better with Age
I’m not quite sure when this change happened. When I realised that I was no longer able to look at young men in quite the same way. No longer able to dream about what it would be like to be ravished by a much younger man, impatient with need, clumsy in his inexperience. But maybe it was never for me to begin with. I’ve always dated older men. I quite enjoy the distinguished greying at their temples, the lines that crinkle beside their eyes when they smile. Even now, I look at men in their 60’s and find them rather attractive (Hello, George Clooney). I’ve been with Mister K for 15 years and just like a fine wine, he gets better with every year of age.
Who knows, perhaps there will come a time again in the future when the thought of a younger man will create a quiver in my loins. But I think as long as I have wet towels to pick up off of dirty floors and dirty dishes to collect from cluttered rooms, the thought of another human in my life that sees me as a mom will have to wait. For now, I’ll simply remain, a mom, who likes to fuck.
Looking for more MILF’s and the one’s who love them? Hit the bullsye.
For more about MrsK, see About.
To judge whether she’s a MILF or not , see Photography.
Header image from canva.com
If you were to ever get with a younger guy do you think you’d take on the dominant role ?
Be outwardly and sexually attractive by choosing what I like best. Or whatever suits me best.
From a very young age, i have always been attracted to MILFs
There’s just something about them that gets to me
Cant wrap my head around it, but its a good feeling anyways
But am older now and i have overcome it
Remain who you are. It suits you very much. You are beautiful and sexy.
Thank you 😉
I wish I would have taken the time to write on this meme!
I have always had an attraction to MILFs.
Even before the term was coined.
(American Pie came out when I was 38 and my boys were 7.)
I am grateful for the older woman who saw came into my life at the right moments. They polished off some rough edges. As well as built some self confidence that was sorely needed at the time.
I can’t believe I’m in a relationship with a woman 21 years my younger but she is most definitely a MILF and I try to reminder of that as often as possible!
It was good to read a viewpoint from the MILF side. I think there are a larger populations of MILFs out there than ever and I am quite happy that you all share yourselves in art and imagination with the rest of us. Thanks!
Thank you David! Being informed of my milfness from someone older than I, makes me feel much better about the term.
I’m happy to share with the world as long as they’re happy to have me 😀
When I first saw MILF used I had no clue what it meant and had to google it. Oh, I see. I guess for some it might add that extra edge, and as I think about it maybe it does, even for us old men. I was sure I didn’t need to go to MrsK’s Photopage to see if she is one, but of course I had to make sure. Do you know how hard it is to concentrate and type with an erection?
I don’t, seeing as I don’t have one. Lol
But I do appreciate you rising to the occasion 😉
I seesaw back and forth between the appeal of younger men and not. There is definitely appeal in the idea of a younger man for me. But the practicalities are often not. They are fickle, unreliable and even if they SAY they want a MILF do they really? I have and do entertain sexual partners who are younger than me, say 30 – 40 but I don’t think it is the same.
Exactly! For how long would they love a woman who would eventually mother them, just because that’s what we’re used to????
When I was younger (pre marriage) I went out with younger guys a couple of times, and even then the age gap seemed troublesome.
I love how you’ve weighed this up and I feel much to agree with in your conclusion.
Thanks Posy. Yes, I can see how that would seem troublesome. There are important aspects that seem to be neglected in a younger mans arsenal that that only life experience can teach. Without that, I find I can’t be quite comfortable with younger men…
I have never been keen on young men. Except when i was young lol
My daughters boyfriends described me as a milf 8 years ago maybe – i feel too old for it now. And too tired !!!
U are defo a milf – if i was a young lad – which i am not and i am waffling – best go 😉 …
May xx
Another time, another life perhaps 😉🤣😘
Since I now fit into the older man category I like the comments here. I have noticed the interest from women now is much higher than when I was younger (unless I was in uniform). I have always been partial to older women. Only now, we are the same(ish) age. I have never been attracted to younger women. Of course some are attractive, but they lack something a well put together older woman seems to have. I am outside the norm for many men who seem to prefer to be with younger women, but to me they seem like too much work… That and we would have little in common to talk about coming from different generations. By the way, I was 40 when American Pie came out and I thought Stifler’s mom was hot too…
I can certainly see the appeal of an older woman from a younger mans point of view. With age, women learn what they want and do what it takes to get it. I agree about younger people being too much work. Especially todays younger people. 🤨
“the idea of having a sexual interaction with someone who would consider me a MILF, makes me feel, well….like a pervert”
Remember, you’re not responsible for their thoughts!
I find men my own age or younger to be (on a sexual front) tedious and unattractive. 10-20 years my senior is definitely my prefrence. But being described as a MILF… Well, I’ll enjoy that no end. Though I would feel icky about following through with anything.
Stiffler’s mom though… Oh yes. She was most definitely my first girl crush- so outlandishly sexy!
Haha. I think I cheered out loud when Finch finally hooked up with her in the 3rd (or was it the 4th?) movie. She totally is a Babe:)
There is something about a younger man being interested in me, but only once I considered sex with a younger man. Reading this, I realized I prefer my men mature, and then age doesn’t matter, as long as they can match me on an intellectual level.
~ Marie xox
Oh yes, the intellect need to be there for sure. Also something g a younger man may not grant me…. hmmm.
I’ve never been attracted to younger men. I don’t even like men my own age. So the idea of being seen as sexually attractive by someone younger (and less experienced, with energy possibly but highly unlikely to be capable of channeling that energy, appropriately meeting my expectations, etc.) is not interesting to me.
I never thought I’d be into “old guys” — *laugh* — but that’s pretty much what it comes down to. 😋
Give me an old guy that knows what he’s doing any day 😉
I love you, Mrs.K
Right back at you!!!! 😘