Hope for Humanity

Hope for Humanity

Hope for Humanity

This is an Alert
This post is not Kinky in anyway shape or form. It is solely about my thoughts on COVID-19.

As a sex blogger, I try not to write about the world news on my webpage. I try to use my site as an escape for people who may not get an escape, or for others who need some information but aren’t sure where to get it. As the world slowly shuts down one service at a time, it seems the time has come to write about COVID-19. In a world where news is shared with nothing more than a click, the fear that has been installed into humanity is terrifying at best, maniacal at worst. No matter where you turn, there is another post, another story, another picture.

The city that I reside in has been out of toilet paper for a week already. As in, you can not find it anywhere. As I am a wholesale buyer, I already had some on hand, but others were not so blessed. I currently have 17 rolls left at 450 sheets per roll, for the shared used by four people. We should be good, for at least seventeen days. I hope. I make my own soap and hand sanitizer, so I guess we’re good there.

As a homeschooler, the closing of public schools has not affected us here. We will continue to teach, to be educated, to grow and learn. For the members of the public school system, they will not be returning until September. All primary students will pass, all highschool graduates will graduate with no questions asked. But there will be no graduation ceremonies, no celebrations of success. They will have achieved one of the most influential rewarding times of their lives, but will not have a grand march, pictures as proof of their successful rise from the challenges of adolescence and high school.

Mister K and I spent the weekend buying home renovation supplies as we are currently building a pantry and walk-in closet. Our main thought was if we are going to be at home for two weeks, without the ability to travel, to visit, to be with the ones we love, we’re going to make the best of it. We will make our space the best it can be and when all of this is over and behind us, we will know that we had visions of the future when the present seemed so bleak.

Shamefully I admit that when the first cases of the virus were disclosed to the world, I thought it was an over-reaction. Then when cases started effecting the western world (where Mister K and I reside) I thought it was a conspiracy. A way to separate the people, because if people are separated from each other they can’t come together to protest in the streets. If we instill fear in the people and make them fight against each other, they can’t fight against the government. Maybe I watch and listen to too many conspiracy theories, but I’ve found that even the most extreme theories have at least a little bit of truth. The province (Canada) that I live in with my family has had a continuous rate of cases disclosed. We went from thirty-six to seventy-seven in 48 hours. I am no longer thinking of conspiracy theories.

This week’s TMI Tuesday prompt asked, Assume that in the future there will be huge leaps in human augmentation. Given a scale from completely human to completely machine, how far would you choose to augment yourself with robotics? What parts would you augment and why?

This question scares me more than it should. Yes, I understand that human augmentation could, in theory, prevent viruses like COVID-19, but it would also strip us of what intrinsically makes us, us….human. At what point does augmentation stop us from being us and start us being something else. As augmented humans, we would be susceptible to a different virus. It may not be biological, but it could certainly be able to copy itself and reprogram us. And that thought terrifies me more than any virus.

I hope the world takes this time to solidify their relationships with the people that matter most. I hope this time is used to heal old wounds, start new projects and finish tasks put off for another day. In the end, I hope we relearn what humanity truly is.

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