Ropes not Roses

Ropes not Roses

Buy Her Ropes Not Roses

source unknown

Mister K learned long ago that I’m not really a hearts and flowers kind of girl. He used to give them to me regularly and I don’t think I ever responded the way he’d hoped. I’d much prefer something with longevity, like a plant. Flowers shrivel and dry up, and then become compost. There’s no nurturing and little care of the well intended gift. What a horrible way to say thank you!

Of course this was before our adventure into BDSM, but he certainly knows now that I’d like ropes, not roses. I think he prefers to give them as well. They have truly become the gift that keeps on giving!

After a time of disconnect, it seems we’ve gotten back on track. To celebrate, we had some fun, doing what we do best; a little bit of rope play. Apparently, all Mister K needs is one arm and one leg to accomplish his task. I can’t say I mind… much. There’s something quite comforting being wrapped to his will. No, I can’t say I mind much at all.

To see who else is having fun in monochrome, click the camera.

For more posts about rope, see Naughty Knots, or find more erotic images in Photography.

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