#photogenicfebruary: Day 3

#photogenicfebruary: Day 3

#photogenicfebruary Day 3 is part of an impromptu project sent to me by a friend. Each day in February, I will post a picture about something I love while sticking to the Life of a Kinky Wife theme. For more info, see here.

Day 3


Weddings are one of those very vanilla things that I absolutely love. Even though almost half end in divorce (I have my speculations about why, but that’s for another day), weddings are an obvious expression of passion.

I love the atmosphere of joy and celebration that clings to each attendant. The way each wedding is a direct reflection of the bride and groom, and no two are the same. I love the food, the flowers, the attire. Having been a bridemaid 6 times, and Maid of Honour (I prefer the term: Best Woman) twice, I literally have a space for bridesmaids’ dresses in my closet. I have planned weddings, done wedding photography for friends and even designed and created bouquets for many bridal parties. There was a time when I considered becoming a wedding planner, and who knows, there’s still time.

  • #photogenicfebruary day 3 color
  • #photogenicfebruary day 3 b&w

Mine and Mister K’s wedding was in the middle of the forest with 20 of our closest family and friends. We rented a trapper’s cabin from the early settler days in Canada and spent the weekend all together as one big, happy family.

I was never able to have a wedding boudoir session, so today I created my own (we are the masters of our own destiny, after all). This veil (which I also love and spent a ridiculous amount of $ on) is the one I wore at my wedding. Although I probably wore it longer for this shoot than I did that day, considering it was uncharacteristically blustery for that time of year (they say rain is good luck).

Thanks for the opportunity to wear it! See you on Day 4.

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#photgenicfebruary Day 3 is part of a month long project about what I love. What do you love?

For a sexy story about weddings, see A Lust to Remember.

4 thoughts on “#photogenicfebruary: Day 3

  1. Gorgeous images, and this made me think of the red veil I have upstairs, which hopefully one day will feature in some images, if ever I feel the urge again to make some…
    ~ Marie xox

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