Submit and Surrender

Submit and Surrender

"Kneel", he said, and I fell to my knees,
Placed my hands on my thighs,
eager to please.
Walking around me, hand on my head,
he inspected me thoroughly,
then patted the bed.
I heard a whispered, “sit here”, in my ear,
“Lay back, close your eyes, put your
hands in your hair.”
Taking my place, the silence it stretched,
replaced with my moaning,
As limbs were flexed.
Wrapping me tightly, in knots made of rope,
My arms were stretched out,
Heart filled with hope.
Once tied for his pleasure, a calmness set in,
I heard, “submit and surrender,”
Come from within.

Submit and Surrender, I did that with glee,
Taking pleasure in power,
And control over me.
To the voice, I did listen, wholly giving in,
I began to feel freer,
then I’d ever been.
woman kneeling, in pose of surrender

To see who else is posing in monochrome, click the camera. Don’t forget to place your vote for this weeks top spot!

For more kinky images, see Photography. More poems like this can be found in Kinky Poetry.

19 thoughts on “Submit and Surrender

  1. wonderful photo you look great and at peace. these words resonated in me as i too “I began to feel freer,
    then I’d ever been. ” when surrendering to the one you love and trust

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