A Copy of Life in Black and White

A Copy of Life in Black and White

I’ve kept a journal for as long as I can remember. My first being a little pink one with a tiny lock, 30 years ago. I was afraid to write in the pages of that first diary. Scared to mark it with my wandering thoughts, wanting to keep its pristine shape. Sadly, I lost that original piece of memorabilia somewhere along the way, but I carried with me the ability to write my thoughts, and then either forget them or to look back at how far I have come.


There’s something therapeutic about being able to write the most haunting, dark words your head can create, and then being able to move on. It’s like a chance to clear your mind, and your soul. I’ve written plenty of entries to people that were me venting about the despicable people they are, the terrible things they’ve done, or something that had just bothered me. Then those pages are turned and those worries are left behind. Sometimes just writing the thoughts can be enough to help you heal. 

To this day I have a journal with me wherever I go, although it’s not quite as organized as it once was, split into categories. The one I carry now is like a landing page. A single place to put my musings, until they can be filed where they belong. Sometimes that involves ripping pages out and pasting them somewhere else. Rewriting just takes too long.

Submissive Journal

While I enjoy the act of writing with a pen and smelling the ink blotted pages, technology has given me the ability to share my deepest most intimate thoughts with Mister K with just a tap of a screen. Using Evernote, I keep a running submissive journal of my thoughts, scene reports (I am required to give my thoughts and reflections on playtime: what worked, what didn’t and what I’d love to try again), and any pictures or websites I think Mister K will find helpful or interesting. I also keep track of punishments, have a counter of lashes given, and a tally of how many scenes we’ve had. Whether they were outdoors, or in our bedroom and what type of play they were (impact, sensual, etc.) It even keeps everything chronologically in order.

Mister K has access to this journal with a password and can add, edit or delete at his discretion. He can leave me notes, pointers, or ask questions. Most importantly, he can see in black and white the things I sometimes don’t want to say out loud.

It is conveniently easy to share with Mister K, and also allows me to save time. Gone are the days when I would cut out pages from magazines, only to glue them into a new book. With an app, I’m able to do almost anything. The only rule to this journal is it must be about our dynamic. Everyday events do not belong here. So far, so good.

Fantasy Journal

I keep a written fantasy journal. While this used to be in a leather-bound blank book, I have filled too many to keep count. To keep the expense down, I’ve switched to wire-bound scribblers. Some have become smutty stories that I’ve shared on my blog, others will get there, maybe. I have written some things in those that still make me blush when I think about them. Needless to say, I’m not quite ready to share them all, yet. Not even Mister K has read all of them.

One day I hope to sort through them and who knows, maybe they’ll be the beginning of a book, or two…

Picture Journal

A picture journal is exactly as it sounds. It’s a journal, with pictures. But only pictures. Some are images that I or others have taken, many others are drawn. Some are magazine clippings or printed internet pages. In this journal I record no words, only visual reminders of a time, a place, a wish, or a dream. Each tells more than words could describe and I find that the loudest conversations are often said in silence.

This started as a project in high school: A picture tells 1000 words. We were assigned to keep a picture diary as if we couldn’t read or write. I found that I connected really well with the concept and carried it forward.

To date, I have filled 8 books with silly, sad, heartwarming, and profound images. These are kept for anyone to see. And why not? They are a visual celebration of a life lived. Not all of the images are suitable for all audiences, but there are no trigger warnings in life.


My love of journaling has turned into a blog, but that hasn’t slowed my contributions to my journal. If anything I have noticed that I depend on it more so. It has recently been a place for more than just my thoughts, now containing quotes, blog and post ideas, and notes about works I have read. I tear out fewer pages than I used to, rearranging those thoughts a little less, but I open it each day and take a deep breath. It’s become a symbol of something greater than just a notebook. It’s almost like a dear friend.

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For more about MrsK, see Submissive Journal.

Need some Kinky inspiration? Give Fiction by MrsK a try.

6 thoughts on “A Copy of Life in Black and White

  1. Wow – i think journaling helps us grow – and u must be so tall lol – seriously i think a person gets a lot back in terms of mental health benefits from writing things down
    May x

  2. Thank you! I dont always have a lot of time, but I ensure at least one sentence each day, even if it’s a “today I’m thankful for” entry. I’ve been doing it so long that it seems second nature now. The picture journal is still my favorite type though 🙂

  3. I LOVE all of your different journal ideas so thank you for sharing. I am not sure where you find the time to do so much writing and feel a little in awe. It is great that you have found something that is so helpful to you and to your dynamic, and also via your blog, helpful to the others you share your writing with too. Thank you 😊

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