Benefits of Exercise in D/s

Benefits of Exercise in D/s

Benefits of Exercise in D/s

Two years ago I went with a Friend to Mexico for her cousin’s wedding. I had recently left my career to become a homeschool mom. The job had consisted largely of sitting at a desk, being hunched over paperwork. Lunch was served each day at noon from a commercial kitchen that specialized in pizza. Needless to say, healthy choices were not a choice. A few months before I left, I also quit smoking cigarettes. I had been at the job for four years and noticed a gain of about five pounds per year. Twenty pounds wasn’t too bad after four years I told myself. I’ve still got it.

When I quit smoking, I gained forty pounds in a matter of weeks. The change in hormones, in my eating schedule and the new stress, was a shock for my body. I knew I had gained weight, but as I don’t believe in scales, I didn’t know how much. I did some pre-trip shopping and found I wasn’t very happy with the sizes I was now buying. I went on that trip to Mexico and when I returned my friend sent me a picture she has taken of me, incognito, while I was enjoying some Caribbean sand and surf.

The picture was not flattering. I told her as much to which she said, “you look sexy”. Looking at that picture did not make me feel sexy. In fact, it made me question how I saw myself at all. How had I gained 60 pounds and not noticed? How had the people who see me most not pointed this out to me? What kind of support circle did I have that I could gain such an exuberant amount of weight in such an unceremonious way and not one person said anything? Looking back, Mister K didn’t say anything, but his lack of interest in play, his avoidance of touching specific parts of me should have said everything I needed to know. Is it shallow that he prefers me toned, shapely and strong? Maybe, but we all have a preference for the type of person we’re attracted to, so I don’t let it get to me.

As a woman who had never really had to worry about her weight, it was shocking for me to see this picture with my multiple middle rolls, a new chin and less than smooth thighs. I know this is where someone is screaming at their screen or thinking in capital letters, this is not a healthy sense of self. Why is this woman judging herself so harshly? Nobody judges you more harshly than yourself, unfortunately. But I used this harshness to my benefit.

After receiving that picture I began a total life transformation. I started working out five days a week. I started running, something I never would have done in the past, unless of course I was being chased by a much larger animal. I began to be aware of all the foods I was eating. Did they benefit me, or were they just filling a gap? Sometimes I got frustrated, and other times I loved the challenge. I got chin splints, broken and bruised toenails. My body hurt everywhere for many months. But then one day, the aches and pains became less. My confidence grew, my shape changed and I only get the aches and pains now if I really push myself, which is my number one fault (depending on who you ask).

Mister K has now implemented a workout schedule into my daily routine. This way we both keep me accountable for the work that I do. I’m happy to say that this task hasn’t been an issue like some others have. And while some days it seems like more work than it’s worth (which is just laziness speaking if I’m being honest), having an exercise routine as part of our dynamic has been an incredible help and motivation.

I’ve seen many benefits from an exercise routine, besides just weight loss. Along with the ability to ride Mister K like a stallion for as long as he’ll let me (until his Dominance shines through), having an exercise routine has :

  • Boosted my immunity

I have only had one cold in the last 12 months. I was sick for two days and only had to take one day to rest. It’s proven that exercise can help flush bacteria and other microorganisms from your airways and lungs. Exercising regularly also increases your body temperature which could kill bacteria and keep them from spreading. As well your antibodies are changed and can circulate through your body faster, giving your body extra cold and flu immunity.

  • Given me better flexibility

When I first started working out, I had stiff hips and lower back pain almost daily. I had an issue with my sciatic nerve being compressed which caused me great discomfort. With the change in lifestyle, I can happily be bound for hours. I was previously unable to have my arms bound behind me due to the tightness in my shoulders. Today I can be bound with arm binders for up to 45 minutes. Exercise increases your flexibility by improving your range of motion as well as improving your posture. It is also known to decrease muscle tightness and soreness. So the next time you’re feeling stiff and sore, make time for a stretch or just a walk around the block. Your body will thank you for it.

  • Increased my mental and physical relaxation

This one is a big one for me. I find that after two days without a workout, I start to feel agitated. This is because when you exercise you get what exercise fanatics know as runners high. In our world, we call it subspace (or that’s as close as I can get to a comparison). Exercise releases endorphins that make you happy. It also helps you sleep better, increases your concentration, and decreases symptoms of depression and anxiety. The only thing better in my opinion is masturbation.

  • Improved my sex life

Along with the ability to hold positions longer, having more endurance and making me feel a little more confident in my own skin, having an exercise routine has made my sex drive increase. I crave sex more than I ever have before, and all of this extra desire makes me more desirable to Mister K. While our D/s dynamic was still strong, our sex life was a little lacking. It was more of putting out and less of connecting. It was starting to become a duty and not a desire. Today this is not the case. I think about sex more often, I fantasize more often and I crave Mister K all the time.

Exercise has many more health benefits that are not included here. If you’re thinking about starting a new routine, do some research and find something that you’ll enjoy. Nothing is harder than something you don’t want to do.

If you’re a submissive looking for something that will help you with just specific areas of your body or maybe you just need to learn how to be more flexible, give my friend Kit at a consideration. She is a submissive who designs exercise and fitness routines for female submissives. You can see her Facebook page here.

Please make sure to check with your physician before starting a new program and remember that exercise does not have a one fits all category.

Below is a picture of my before and after. As you’ll see the difference is striking, but I would like to add that even though I’m stronger, healthier and more attractive (at least to Mister K), I still have insecurities, self doubt and moments of less than ideal self-criticism. These things need to be remedied separate from my routine, and are a constant area of improvement.

Happy Training!


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For more about my D/s dynamic see Let’s Talk About, or Submissive Journal.

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5 thoughts on “Benefits of Exercise in D/s

  1. I agree with May, you look good in both shots, but I can see how feeling more toned and taking exercise has boosted your energy and levels of stamina. You have impressed me with your dedication.

  2. Thank you so much for joining in with Food for Thought- I do think you look good in both shots – but the benefits of being fit is to be healthy too and that is such an important thing. Hope to see you on f4thought again
    May 😉

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