Dynamic Data

Dynamic Data

Dynamic Data

I once read an article in Business insider that said 73.6% of all statistics are made up. Whether or not that is true is irrelevant. We like knowing statistics, numbers that give things meaning. They give us the ability to see things in a way we understand.

 When you think of space, with its unending black abyss, growing exponentially each day, it’s hard to fathom how big of a number or how much space that truly is. But when we find a way to relate to it, we can understand something much bigger than us in simpler terms. And so, we yearn for statistics. For something to explain things in black and white.

Like many others, I enjoy statistics, but not because of the numbers. I enjoy the facts. I like to retain little tidbits of information, storing them away for later use. I enjoy math, and the challenge it gives me, but having an endless supply of basically useless information does something for me that math never could. Math shows me the numbers, but facts are the numbers.

A Life-time of Statistics

I started thinking about how I can use math to make my own stats. A little page of facts about my life, based on numbers. This is what I discovered.

I was born on a Monday, the same as 11% of the rest of the world. The day with the most births is Thursday with 12.8%. The least, Saturday with 10%. I have the least common eye color which is green, which makes up 2% of the population.

The most common hair colour worldwide is black. Mine is red, a colour that is only prevalent in 2% of the population, although being born in the northern hemisphere increases those chances. Not surprising considering 90% of all Earthlings live above the equator. It contains 67.3% of all the habitable land, and the Southern Hemisphere is 80.9% water. 0.3% of the solar energy produced in the Sahara Desert could power all of Europe. An oddity considering earth has more trees than there are stars in the sky, making it so you only have a one in a billion chance of finding a piece of space rock. But if you chose to look you could walk the equator 4.5 times in 80 years, if you took 7500 steps per day.

I’m 5’4”, considered average height for a woman. The median for a man, 5’9”. That’s about 5% taller than our ancestors 100 years ago. The average breast size is a 34DD, I sit below par here with a 34B. Thankfully Mister K is a member of what he calls, the Itty Bitty Titty Committee. My American size 4 (UK size 8) would have been an 8 (16), 60 years ago. The average size of an American woman is a 14, a 16 in the UK.

 Not only are the sizes changing, but our bodies are changing along with it. Some of this may have to do with the change in our sleep and wake schedules, as studies show that people who are exposed to early morning sunlight are at lower risk of weight gain. This appears to be independent of age, physical ability, or food intake. I do all my best work and thinking during that time and have more energy so that stat works for me. I was born in the morning though, so that’s not surprising, as people generally function better at the time of day they are born.

Dynamic Facts

I have been alive for 13926 days, and have spent 5234 days with Mister K, a total of 37.5% of my life. I have known without a doubt that I loved him 71% of those days. The chances of Mister K being my forever and soul mate, 100%.

 I have slept beside him 99% of those nights, and have found I’m unable to sleep without him after all these years. He’s become a sleep aide, something to keep the monsters under the bed away.  1/3 of all adults sleep with a comfort item, that is not a stuffed animal.

We have been in a D/s dynamic for 3576 days, and of those have been 24/7 for 84% of them. We’ve had a scene 30% of our days in that period. We aim for three times a week, scheduling a minimum of 1 play session. In 10% of those I have been tied-up, 20 % have been impact scenes, with only 2% of those leaving bruises. We must improve those odds.

In the 1876 days that I have been a submissive in more than just my heart, I have completed 98% of my tasks and been punished for 1%. The other 1% is still in the works. Punishments have consisted of 4% of our scenes. Of all our scenes, only 1.3% have been outdoors. Another area for improvement.

Our thing to do besides play and spend time outdoors is to watch movies; when we can find the remote. 71% of all T.V owners lose the remote at least once in their lifetime. 4% of those lost are found in the fridge or freezer, 2% in the car. I usually find ours in the bathroom as do 8% of all remote losers.

All in the Details

On average a human will live for 25915 days (71 years), spending .45% (117 days) of that time having sex, but 41% looking at some sort of screen, even though our brains are 100000 times more energy efficient than the best-made computers. Those odds are not in our favour. We’ll spend an average of 90000 hours working, which is 769% more than having sex. I may have found a new New Years’ resolution, even though 80% fail before mid-February.

92% of people don’t follow their dreams, usually because of events out of their control. Of the 8% that do, 90% find that they are not happy in their chosen path.

There are 7.8 billion people on Earth, with a baby born every second. The chance of you being born and becoming the person you are is 1 in 102685000. If you’re wondering that’s 10 with 2650000 zeroes. You truly are one of a kind, be who you were born to be, or at the very least, beat the statistics.

In case you’re curious, at the speed of light which is 186,282 miles/second (299,792 kilometers/second), it would take you 100 000 years to travel across the Milky Way Galaxy, that’s how big space is.

To see who else is talking about Statistics for #WickedWednesday prompt #416, click on the badge.

For some more Musing from MrsK, see Submissive Journal. For something a little more fun see Photography.

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8 thoughts on “Dynamic Data

  1. This was an amazing post! I really enjoyed reading about all these statistics. Must have been quite a bit of research! The one I found most depressing I must say is that the 8% who follow their dreams, 90% of those are unhappy? Then the odds are certainly not in my favour 😂 I’m also impressed you know that it’s 1% you’ve been punished for!

    1. I keep track of each scene, punishment etc, in a journal. I just had to do the math 🙂
      It is depressing that 90% are unhappy, but I think that’s because they chase dreams for the wrong reasons? Sometimes dreams change too 🙂

        1. I’m an excellent note taker. Haha. I keep a journal with me everywhere I go 🙂
          Sometimes we don’t realise we’re living our dreams until we’re already there!

  2. Great post – really entertaining and I was born on a Monday too – and wish I had red hair and green eyes – instead I have light brown eyes(the colour of whiskey!) and highlighted blond hair.
    May x

  3. I am totally in LOVE with this post! I knew I was born on a Saturday, as was my daughter, but my son was born on a Thursday. It made me check which days my husband (Saturday) and bonus child (Thursday) were born. Stats are exciting!
    ~ Marie xox

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