Joy of Accomplishing Melting Moments

Joy of Accomplishing Melting Moments

Kinky Advent 2020-Day 9

See other posts in this project here.

Day 9 of Kinky Advent was filled with finding joy and creating melting moments. Mister K and I put our own twist on it, as we usually do. While part of the day was a bit messy, the other helped me recognise the joy in simple things.

Melting Moments

The SafeworD/s Club prompted us with some wax play, the theme being Melting Moments. We were asked to create a festive design, or just have fun. I didn’t have any candles designed for play on hand, because I don’t have the supplies. Making them myself requires items that have been difficult to acquire this year, like soy wax flakes, so it wasn’t an option. What I did have on hand though was chocolate syrup.

Definitely a messier substance for play, but it didn’t lack in suspense. The syrup had been in the fridge, and was therefore quite cold. Instead of being the molten lava that I’m used to when we play with wax, I was instructed to stay still while Mister K poured cold syrup on me. A new style of temperature play for us, but one that may happen again.

It wasn’t a bad experience. On the contrary, if it was added to other forms of sensation play, it could quite the experience indeed. Today we settled for the fun in removing the sticky chocolate sauce. A fun experience all on its own.

Joy in Accomplishments

Day 9 at the Submissive Guide was Joy in accomplishments. The theory behind today’s prompt being that when we’re asked if we are happy, we often say that we are with our Dom, our family, our careers, etc, but few say they are happy with themselves. With that in mind we were asked to think about what makes us happy and make a list of all the things we’ve accomplished this year, with the following quote in mind.

True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.

Antoine de Saint-exupery

2020 has been a less than stellar year for most of us. While my day to day life didn’t change a lot, some things changed completely. But even through a lockdown (we’ve just started our third, ugh), the pandemic and the threat of killer bees (this is a thing in Canada now), I was able to accomplish a few things. More than a few when I really put my mind to it. Here’s the first five off the top of my head.


Mister K and I celebrated one full year of marriage. While the first year was no different than the four previous (when our D/s dynamic started), I think that a legal and emotional agreement is worth celebrating


I started this blog. In a couple short months, Life of a Kinky Wife will be a whole year old, and while I have had to deal with a couple setbacks, it’s been one of the best experiences of my life. I have a new project coming in time for the new year and can’t wait to share it.


I homeschooled two teenage boys, and one moved ahead two years in his placement test. I know this isn’t technically my accomplishment to take pride in, but I know a part of that success is due to his learning environment, and that is all mine to claim 🙂


I learned 4128 words in Spanish this year. While that seems like a lot, I would probably sound like a small child to native Spanish speakers. Studying every day is how one becomes fluent though, so study every day I will.


I renovated three rooms in my house and painted another. I’ve had some extra time this year, but it did not go to waste. After 15 years of living in the same home, it finally looks that way we want it to.

Taking pride in and focusing on our accomplishments make us feel happy with our current circumstance and encourages us to try new things. Like using refrigerated chocolate syrup for temperature play. And just like the syrup, sometimes we get into sticky situations, but it’s nothing a bit of focus can’t get us through. Adding to our lists, another accomplishment.

Tomorrow’s Kinky Advent brings presents and good cheer. Sounds like it will be a delightful day.

See you then!

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