#photogenicfebruary: Day 7

#photogenicfebruary: Day 7

#photogenicfebruary Day 7 is part of an impromptu project sent to me by a friend. Each day in the month of February I will post an image about something I love. For more info, see here.

Day 7


As a writer, reading is part of the job. When not writing, you’ll find my nose in a book, up to 8 hours a day. But why do I and so many others love reading so much? Every book is like a vacation. You can travel to faraway places, live in fantasy lands, and explore alternative universes. And of course, there’s opportunity to learn anything you desire, simply by picking up a book.

  • #photogenicfebruary day 7
  • #photogenicfebruary day 7

Mister K isn’t much of a book reader, which is a big difference between us. He prefers to follow the news, sports and international affairs. What’s great about that is he is always full of story ideas, and I’m always full of stories!

See you on day 8 of #photogenicfebruary!

#photogenicfebruary badge

#photogenicfebruary day 7 is a photo project about what I love. What do you love?

Looking for some reading recommendations? I’ve written posts for Fiction, Non-fiction, Poetry and Children’s.

Find another book related post here.

Find more erotic photography here.

9 thoughts on “#photogenicfebruary: Day 7

  1. Perhaps it’s great when passion and work coincide. There is no need to jump from one to another. Although sometimes you need to take a break and change your lifestyle. For example, go on a trip. The main thing is not to forget to take books with you 🙂

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