#photogenicfebruary: Day 9

#photogenicfebruary: Day 9

#photogenicfebruary Day 9 is part of an impromptu project sent to me by a friend. Each day in February, I will share an image of something I love. To see more, check here.

Day 9


Who doesn’t love a good pair of stockings (or knee-high socks)? They’re the perfect fashion accessory. Unless you choose them to be the entire outfit…

#photogenicfebruary day 8

They’re great with a sweater to keep warm…


As part of a uniform (of sorts)….

#photogenicfebruary day 9

Or just to send a message.


If anyone is wondering, the above is also my punishment position…

See you on day 10.

#photogenicfebruary badge

#photogenicfebruary day 9 is a photo project about what I love. What do you love?

Find more photography here.

For something else, check this out.

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