The lovely Marie of Rebels Notes is celebrating her 500th week hosting blogging meme Wicked Wednesday. To help her celebrate, she’s challenged us to do a roundup of our top ten posts. Life of a kinky Wife is just under two years old and because of that; I’ve changed it up a bit. Instead of highlighting my top 10 posts, which would be ten percent of this year’s posts in total, I will highlight 10 tops. Top post, top commented post, top viewed image, etc.
2021 was a shit year. I had hoped it would be better than 2020, and yet, it was tremendously terrible. Likely the worst of my almost 40 years. And not just the pandemic and the ever-changing world, but personally as well. I can honestly say that I survived (because I wasn’t really living) in a world of suffering for far too long and have only just started coming out of my funk and begun feeling like myself again. After a month off (spent reading and editing and volunteering), it feels good to be back.
But 2021 wasn’t all negative (and I refuse to be). Thanks to Marie, we have the opportunity to look back at what we’ve achieved. For myself, it wasn’t as much as I had hoped. But now that I’ve viewed the year as a whole, it was more than I thought. And that’s a positive right there.
New ways to Top 2021
Mmm Mondays

This year I started a Meme, called Mmm Mondays. It’s completed 52 solid weeks and although the number of posts linked in changes each week, it’s had consistent participation and I’m so grateful for that. A few months ago, I began adding a recipe each week and starting the second week in January, we’ll highlight a Mmm Maker each month. What makes you say Mmm?
This year I also started posting my erotic and romantic fiction on Medium at the insistence of May More – whom has become a beloved friend (if you don’t know May, you should! Check out her site). It’s been a wonderful experience and not only allowed me to reach a larger audience, I’ve also been given the opportunity to edit others on Tantalizing Tales (alongside Posy Churchgate and Liz Black), which is a huge benefit for my own work. It’s great being part of such an amazing team. Thanks Ladies!
53 posts have made it to my Medium page. The top post for 2021 was Paying a Debt- Part 1.
Top Viewed Post
A Beginner’s Guide to Rope Play–written for Tell Me About
This post has had over 11000 views and also boasts the most link clicks (although they are links to other sites and not my own). It seems bondage is something that is searched for regularly, not only on LOAKW but also on the world wide web. I’ve had many readers reach out to ask for more info (so perhaps I should update this post soon) and even a rope company inquire out about advertising.
Just goes to show that with the proper SEO, even a first-time blogger can be found and recognized.
Top Commented Post
This top spot is a tie between two posts, heralding 24 comments each. MrsK Exposed–which was linked to 7 memes, and A Milf or not a Milf– written for Wicked Wednesday. Both posts were about something that was awkward for me to discuss, and yet, it received the most genuine responses. There’s a lesson somewhere in there, I’m sure of it…
LOAKW received 600 fewer comments in 2021 than in the year previous, and some of that is due to the lower number of bloggers I associate with (their decision, not mine). But mostly it’s likely because of posting less. Almost 100 posts less. This is my 101 post this year (on this site). I’ll finish 2021 with 102 as my New Year’s post will be out this Friday.
Top Liked Post
This top spot has two posts as well. MrsK Exposed (again for 7 memes) and Ropes not Roses– image post for Monochromerotic, with 17 likes each.
Likes (or stars) from other bloggers and WordPress account holders are so appreciated. I know some bloggers turn the function off, preferring comments, but this little button tells me you took the time to read my post. As an introvert, I appreciate the ability to say, I came, I saw, good work, without feeling obligated to write something (let’s be honest, sometimes there’s nothing to say) and have it come across as not genuine.
Top Commenter
It’s no surprise to me that the person who comments the most on my blog is Marie Rebel. She’s so supportive and knowledgeable and each time she leaves me even a single word, I feel honored. Thanks Marie!
Top Referrer
Like most blogs, most of my views come from organic searches and Twitter (new to 2021. Last year, I relied heavily on shares and memes to get my numbers up). My top referred post was 5 things I learned from a Femdom, written for No True Way and referred via, which he graciously shared on his site, driving a lot of traffic my way. If you’re reading this, Michael, thank you, and I miss you. Come back soon!
As for top page referrer, that, of course, goes to Wicked Wednesday- where in 2020, 14 posts were highlighted. I’m unsure about 2021’s numbers, but I’m sure Marie will have them ready for us soon!
Top Viewed Image

I enjoy producing image only posts or posts based on an image with few words. It gives my writer brain a break and forces me to think outside the box, expanding my creativity. Lead me On (originally taken for Sinful Sunday), is the top viewed image on LOAKW for 2021. We actually took this image in 2020 and it was my most viewed image that year as well. This image is unaltered and not edited in any way (except a watermark) and was taken by Mister K (because, as you can see, I’m bound and blindfolded). I will let him know my readers enjoy me being at his mercy.

My most commented and liked image on Instagram? Submit and Surrender -taken for Monochromerotic. Not only does it have a high number of likes and comments on Life of a Kinky Wife, it’s been liked 279 times on Instagram alone (which is a lot when you grew up in a small town!).
Top Searched Term
If you’ve ever wondered if the search function on websites gets used, they do! When I searched for my top searched term, it was:
Renitent wife handcuffed.
And I laughed and laughed. The dictionary says Renitent means: to resist pressure, constraint, or compulsion. So not me, but whatever gets you to my site…. Since we’re looking at positives, this also may give me an idea for a post, or two!
Top Viewing Country
The US reads LOAKW more than any other country (by 41000 views). This shocked me. Not only because Life of a Kinky Wife hails from Canada, but because most of the people I chat with are in the UK or the Netherlands. Perhaps I’ve been neglecting including my American friends, simply because I didn’t know you were visiting (except for you- Mike and Samantha– thanks for all your support!). Don’t be shy, Southern Neighbors, say hello. I don’t bite (unless you ask me to).
Top Challenge of 2021
This year I talked myself into joining the first **Blogable Fiction Marathon – hosted by May More and Marie Rebel. It was an arduous challenge and unfortunately halfway through, my mental health started to deteriorate (because of other factors, not the marathon), which made it difficult to keep my head in the game. I finished fifth (out of 37), but I’m proud that I stayed and maintained, even though I did almost throw in the towel. The experience has certainly made me a better writer (I hope) and that’s really all that counts. After some time off, I hope to put those skills to good use. Maybe I’ll even try again next year. Who knows?
So, there’s my 10 to top 2021. It may not have been the year we wanted, but maybe it was exactly what we needed (not likely, but let’s remain positive).
Thanks for the walk down memory lane. See you all next year!
*Some mentions don’t have links. There is a reason for that. If you are unsure of that reason and really want to know, please ask (I hold no responsibility for questions answered).
Header image found on Shutterstock
To see who else is celebrating #500 of Wicked Wednesday with a 2021 Top 10, hit the bullseye.
This is such a wonderful ride through your 2021. I wish your year had been more comfortable on a personal level, but professionally (on the writing front) you appear to have excelled!
It’s been wonderful to get to know you a little better this year, and I look forward to being a better reader (and messager) in 2022.
Also… have you seen this?
Thank you. ANd I did see Michaeld new site. Good for him!
I am so glad you reached out to me and I’ve gotten to know you too. Hopefully many more great things , for us both in 2022!
I love how you approached this with the different “tops.” You have a great blog, and I look forward to what you offer up this year. Yours is one of the few memes I still post to, and I definitely consider you part of my blogging family. (I hail from the US, btw.)
Oh…and I love the idea of incorporating recipes into MMM Mondays. Brilliant!
Yay! A neighbor! Happy to have found a member of my tribe 🙂
Happy 2022 to you!
Oh Mrs K wonderful post – TY for your kind words – And I know what a tough year it has been for u – what a testament to who u are, that u have come thru it and been so productive – I love your blog – if i had a top 10 – (here i go again) you would be on it – but i don’t – however, it is the thought that counts lol
Looking forward to all that is Mrs k in 2022
May xx
Thanks for being a shoulder, May. 2021 was made better with your company:)
I love the twist you have given the top ten prompt, MrsK! This is an exciting way to look at the different kinds of stats, and I love seeing familiar posts in your line-up 🙂
Thank you for your continued support with Wicked Wednesday, and I look forward to all your creations for 2022!
~ Marie xox
I really enjoyed your take on your top ten and it was interesting to see the different posts in the categories you chose. I was so pleased that your post for Tell Me About had so many views. It was hard to let it go but it felt like a lot of work when there wasn’t much participation so it’s nice to see that it brought you something. I am sorry that you have had such a rubbish year. I haven’t been able to give the same to blogging this year as previously either and it can feel tough. I am really pleased that you are finding your way with your fiction writing as there seems to be a high interest level in that. Wishing you all the best for 2022 and more of LOAKW. Missy x
Happy New Year Missy!
Tell me about is a wonderful resource whether active or not. And who knows, Maybe it’ll return one day?…
All the best to you and yours in 2022!
For me personally it has been a year of discovering myself for the kinky world, and along that way I have discovered you and your blog. And it has been a happy discovery, from which I have taken the courage to show the world something of my intimacy. I hope in the next year to continue sharing in your wonderful meme mmm Mondays, my most daring images in sexy lingerie. Happy New Year to you and your family.
Lots of interesting things there… I’m going to have to go and find out what my most used search term is now! Have a fabulous New year and I wish you all the best for 2022 and beyond
Happy New Year Sweet! It’s lovely to see you.
I hope 2022 gives you all you need. Best wishes.
Same to you xx