Presenting Good Cheer

Presenting Good Cheer

Kinky Advent 2020-Day 10

See other posts in this project here.

Day 10 of Kinky Advent is upon us and today is about presents and bringing good cheer. While presents are a great way to give someone a reason to be cheerful, smiles are a better way to do it. With the pandemic limiting the amount of time spent with others, as well as masks covering our glorious grins, I found a kinkier way to spread cheer.

Present Yourself

Today’s prompt form the SafeworD/s Club is Present Yourself, either in a photo or in person. The idea was about being the present, so we were to wrap ourselves up, in a way others would like.

After some humming and hawing about what would be best, I decided that I should just stick with my theme. With some fuzzy fabric and a candy cane, my goal was easy to achieve.

woman dressed like Christmas present.

Bringing Good Cheer

At the Submissive Guide, Day 10 for the submissive’s advent is Spreading Good Cheer. The idea behind the prompt was that the holidays are filled with moments that frazzle, lines that fluster, and people who could give the Grinch a run for his money. Instead of joining in, we were tasked with showing our happy submissive sides; by smiling.

Needless to say, currently you can smile all you want, but few if any people will see it. Between social distancing and mask wearing, smiles have become a lost relic. Honestly, I miss smiles quite a lot. As a Canadian, smiling is an expected greeting. With masks being worn and not having the ability to see those smiles, our interactions have become lacking.

Just in case smiling wasn’t an option, an alternative activity (there’s one for each day) was given using bells. The idea was to put them on your self or clothing so that when you move, they would jingle and spread good cheer. This seemed like a better option for today, not just because of the mask conundrum, but also because you can wear them at home, while alone.

The idea of bells made me think of slave bells (not to be confused with sleigh bells), and kitten collars. Which of course gave me an idea to make a matching collar for my token from Day 2. By threading a wider ribbon through a single silver bell, presto! A kitten collar.

It’s cute, I think, and something I can use again. And I LOVE that I can wear it as an accessory and it will remind me of my submission when I hear it ring.

Tomorrow brings pancakes and being “dressed up”, but neither prompt is what you think.

Until then, smile!

They look like this

To check out who else is celebrating Christmas with the Kinky Advent theme, click on the badges

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