The Magic of Autumn

The Magic of Autumn

I can’t say autumn (fall to most North Americans) is my favourite season, but I will admit it carries its own special sort of magic. What is first seen as the end of a cycle is actually the beginning of a wonderful transformation.

Gone are the days of watering and weeding. The seedlings I spent months tending to and caring for have grown and dried and begun to decay. Their hardened stalks, wilted blooms, and dead seed heads rattling in crisp winds, shells of what they once were. Some the birds will claim. More will provide for families of field mice and white-tailed deer throughout the coldest part of winter. Whatever is salvageable, we will plant once more come spring. And the cycle will begin again.

This year’s bountiful harvest holds the promise of holiday feasts and evenings filled with laughter, love, and time. Time to slow down and to catch up. Time to spend on what matters to us most. Friends, and family, old and new.

Shorter days mean longer nights entwined in bed. The whispering of the winds encouraging whispered sweet nothings and fingers -once so intimate with the earth- rediscovering new and yet excitingly familiar terrain. Cooler nights lead to tighter snuggles, deep exploratory kisses and slow and tender touches.

And really, you can’t complain about the artful backdrop either.


And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.

Oscar Wilde

More autumn inspired posts can be found by hitting the bullseye.

More October themed erotic photography can be found by clicking the camera.

For more seasonal posts, check out Dog Days of Summer, Hot and Cold or Lead Me On.

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